Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Future Book Addict

Dear Ash,

You're probably going to be a reader.

I only say that because both your parents are book addicts. In our budget, we give ourselves $50 a month to spend on whatever we want. Do you know what we usually spend that on?

Yep. Books.

One of our favorite dates is to go to Barnes and Noble and each pick out a book to take home with us. Or just go to Barnes and Noble to browse and not actually buy anything (though that is decidedly less fun).

Right now, we both have Kindles and they are basically our favorite thing. Because we share an Amazon account, every book one of us buys, the other gets to read as well. It's fun. This month, Ben is buying Think and Grow Rich and I'm going to buy Brandon Sanderson's new novella. And we'll both read both.

It's okay if you don't share that passion with us. I know some people just aren't huge readers. I do hope you'll give it a chance, though. I think everyone can be a reader, they just need to find the type of book they enjoy. That doesn't mean that everyone has to list reading as their favorite pass time, but I do think everyone could enjoy it at least sometimes.

And, because I love reading, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you have the opportunity to learn to love reading as well.


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